Author: Canaan Bridges Consulting Inc. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is one of the most dynamic periods
Author: Canaan Bridges Consulting Inc. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is one of the most dynamic periods
High IP activity in the form of registration only has an effect upon innovation if the IP is active in domestic, regional or international markets.
Two of the more pressing issues are (I) the frameworks (legal, business, capital resources) which jurisdictions have in place to facilitate sound relationships between IP and emerging technologies and (II) and whether IP reforms are needed at the multi-lateral level to safeguard the integrity of the IP system.
Can GI registration stabilize avocado and vanilla markets?
Author: Canaan Bridges Consulting Inc. Countries usually have reasons for implementing trade measures in their economies.
Author: Canaan Bridges Consulting Inc. Generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) is revolutionizing music content and production.
Author: Canaan Bridges Consulting Inc. As a project manager, a new year can mean the continuation
Without proprietary rights to safeguard and advance technological discoveries, innovative content would likely be less robust or fast-paced. Tech tourism relates to incentivizing tourists to visit a destination because of high and advanced levels of in demand and valued tech content produced in the territory.
The relationship between agriculture and intellectual property rights (IP) is an interesting one. Although there are several connections between the two, opportunities for forging further and more sustainable relationships still remain. Four solid connections between agriculture and IP for 2020 and beyond are:
Ag Tech will only benefit small-acreage and low-revenue farmers if they have the expertise to understand how the technology works and how to adapt it to their farms.
Marsha developed an assessment tool to measure the implications of fairness and morality principles in how international intellectual property law works in countries.
This can have an impact on how solid a connection there is between technology (as agents of innovation) and development policy.
If this information is worthwhile but missing from the distributor or manufacturer’s marketing strategy, there could be significantly less chances for origin-based factors to drive higher consumer demand patterns