Author: Canaan Bridges Consulting Inc. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is one of the most dynamic periods
Author: Canaan Bridges Consulting Inc. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is one of the most dynamic periods
High IP activity in the form of registration only has an effect upon innovation if the IP is active in domestic, regional or international markets.
Author: Canaan Bridges Consulting Inc. What pathways to development are best for developing countries? By far,
Author: Canaan Bridges Consulting Inc. Countries usually have reasons for implementing trade measures in their economies.
Author: Canaan Bridges Consulting Inc. Generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) is revolutionizing music content and production.
Author: Canaan Bridges Consulting Inc. As a project manager, a new year can mean the continuation
Without proprietary rights to safeguard and advance technological discoveries, innovative content would likely be less robust or fast-paced. Tech tourism relates to incentivizing tourists to visit a destination because of high and advanced levels of in demand and valued tech content produced in the territory.
Marsha developed an assessment tool to measure the implications of fairness and morality principles in how international intellectual property law works in countries.
Canaan Bridges Consulting Inc. 3 min read Green start-ups are created almost every day. Not
Canaan Bridges Consulting Inc. Long read. Recent outcry of a celebrity’s attempt to register “J’ouvert” as
How to mobilize resources to make meaningful changes in the lives of women entrepreneurs was the core theme of the interactive event.